
Rare icons from the Vatican Museums and a concert from one of the oldest orchestras will countdown to the opening of the Jubilee. Rare icons from the Vatican Museums and a concert from one of the oldest orchestras will countdown to the opening of the Jubilee.  (ANSA)

Concerts and art exhibits mark countdown to opening of Jubilee

Before the Holy Door opens on December 24, Rome will be full of concerts and art exhibitions, including one with rare icons from the Vatican Museums and a concert by one of the oldest orchestras in the world.

By Kielce Gussie

Ahead of the beginning of the Jubilee of Hope in 2025, the Dicastery for Evangelization is hosting various events, including concerts and exhibitions. In a press conference, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, Pro-prefect of the Dicastery, outlined the itinerary for some of the upcoming events.

History comes to life though song

A series of concerts, starting on November 3, will begin the countdown to the Jubilee. At 6pm at the Conciliazione Auditorium, the Academia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia will perform Dmitrij Dmiitrievič Šostakovič’s Symphony No. 5 in D Minor Op. 7.

The curator of concerts and exhibitions for the program, “Jubilee is Culture”, Dr. Davide Mambriani, described this concert as important. He says because the Academy “has a particular relationship with the Holy See and the papacy as it was founded in 1585 when Pope Sixtus V published the bull ‘Ratione congruit’, establishing the Congregation of Musicians.”

“We are all bearers of the same message”

Another major event ahead of the Jubilee is the exhibition of various rare icons from the Vatican Museums. A set of 18 different icons were chosen from all around Eastern Europe, including Greece, Bulgaria, Ukraine, and Macedonia. Archbishop Fisichella says this exhibition is the “fruit of two years of working with experts.”

18 rare icons will be on display
18 rare icons will be on display

Gathering all these icons together is an expression of peace and fraternity, says Vatican Museums director, Barbara Jatta, as it shows “we are all bearers of the same message.” The icons will be on display in the Church of St. Agnes from December 14 to February 16.

Christianity in art

For the first time, the painting, “White Crucifixion”, will be on display in Rome on loan from The Art Institute of Chicago in the United States. It is the first in a series of works by Marc Chagall that depict Jesus as a Jewish martyr and underscore the persecution of Jews in the 1930s. The exhibit will be open to the public from November 27 until January 27, 2025 at the new Museo del Corso – Polo museale. Admission is free every day from 10am to 8pm.

Marc Chagall's "White Crucifixion" is on loan from The Art Institute of Chicago
Marc Chagall's "White Crucifixion" is on loan from The Art Institute of Chicago

A third exhibition will be the Vatican’s annual 100 Nativity Scenes to be displayed under one side of Bernini’s colonnade in St. Peter’s Square. Each year, one region or city is chosen to be the partner. This 8th edition will be dedicated to Rome, Archbishop Fisichella announced. The nativities will be oepn from December 8 until January 6, 2025.

Holy See Pavilion in Expo 2025

The Pro-prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization also announced the Holy See’s participation in the World Expo in Osaka, Japan next year. The Vatican will be part of Italy’s pavillion and will feature the only Caravaggio preserved in the Vatican Museums: the Deposition of Christ.

The Vatican will partake in Italy's Pavillion at the World Expo in Osaka, Japan next year.

Luce, the Vatican's mascot for the event, ties both the Jubilee and the Expo together. She is a pilgrim doll made in the pop culture style and carries many of the symbols of a pilgrim: a missionary cross, staff and boots dirty from walking.

Meet Luce: the Vatican's pope culture mascot for the World Expo 2025

The pavillion’s theme coincides with that of the Jubilee: “La bellezza porta speranza” or “Beauty brings hope.” Archbishop Fisichella say the word “porta” has a double meaning in this phrase. First, beause it is “dynamic action that highlights access to hope” and secondly, “porta” references the Holy Door to be open “to anyone looking for peace and reconciliation.”

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28 October 2024, 13:32